Mar 28, 2011

Nice Day

Nice Day
This drawing is called "Nice Day." I made this drawing because I like nice days. Bye.


  1. ... and a drawing a day makes every day nicer, "dear colleague" ;-)

    You know, the great Japanese artist Hokusai drew a Chinese lion (a lucky charm) every day, each time in a different way, in order to have a longer and happier life. When he died -- despite many troubles, even poverty -- he was 90 y.o.

  2. There's something sort of Andy Warholic about this work of art . . .

    Jeffery "Daddy" Hodges

    * * *

  3. btw, En-Uk: why don't you make a drawing which encourages the Japanese people? (I know that they are not much loved by Koreans, but now they are in a very bad situation).

    Here's my own.

  4. Okay I will make something for the Japanese, dhr. Bye.

  5. Thanks! And, will you let us publish it in an international blog ( where they are collecting drawings to send to our Japanese cyberfriends? Thanks again.
