Mar 24, 2011

Buzzzzz . . .

Buzzzzz . . .

This drawing is called "Buzzzzz . . ." I made this drawing because I like buzzing sounds. Bye.


  1. so, you're entering the buzness.

  2. I'm a big fan of this kind of art, En-Uk. It reminds me of Korean brush art. I normally come to your blog and leave some sort of joke, but in all seriousness, I hope you continue your artistic efforts, especially in this area (i.e., black-and-white "brush" art). Not long ago, you drew an "ugly flower" in this style, and I really liked it. Black-and-white art relies on strong contrasts to produce striking effects, and I think you have an excellent intuitive sense for it. Please continue to draw!

  3. quote Kim, completely.

  4. "What's the buzz,?
    Tell me what's happenin' . . ."

    Jeffery Hodges

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